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Monday, December 24, 2007

Workout Tips..

Sorry for being late and not keeping up with my promise of one post per day.
Lets now get to work out. I would recommend that before continuing reading this post please read my earlier post 'No more boring cardio'.
Most of us who try to loose weight actually don't pay lot of attention on the science behing the workout. I see many overweight ppl in the gym who firstly just do cardio and then that too in the same way. Running/walking on the tread mill/cycle at a constant speed for as long as they dont get bored.
Our body, when in need of calories, either burns the fat for caloried or muscles. Buring muscles is easy and 1 gm muscle provides more calories to the body than 1 gm fat. But we dont want muscles to be burnt!
We need to make sure that our body burns only fat and not muscle. Morever, we should always try to add more muscle. Why? maintaining the muscle tissue needs calories. Lots of them. The more muscle mass you have the more is your basal metabolic rate(BMR). (refer to past 'frequently asked question' to know what BMR is).
So remember one thing--

The more your muscle mass, the more you can eat. and that is what i like. After you achive the desired fat loss and reach your ideal weight, you need to focus on putting on muscle mass.

Now coming back to the point, how to workout to ensure that body burns no muscles and only fat.
two basic things- you need to do weight training and you need to have atleast 30% proteins in your total diet. If you are having less proteins, your muscles cannot be maintained and more muscle cannot be added.
To ensure your body does not burn muscle- YOU have to remind your body that you are using muscles. That is y do weight training. Tell your body that Hey! I am using these muscles. How can you burn them!
My recommended workout plan- Do full body weight training every alternate day. Now, you need not workout like real weight lifters and body builders. Working on one muscles for a very long time. Remember- you just need to remind your body that you are using muscles. and this will also help you get in shape.
So for full body workout- do only one exercise/machine for one body part. One machine for chest, one for back, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and legs.
Do as many free body exercised using dumbles and make as less use of machines. And always do pushups, pullups and squats. I know most of you will not be able to do these propersly but you have to start. these are the best free body exercises which train muscles using your own body weight.
NOW- important thing. do weights first and then cardio. Remind your body and then burn calories. Muscle training itself also burn lots of calories.
Try something like this-
Day 1 - Full body weight training followed by interval training cardio
Day 2- interval training cardio or a sport like squash/swimming
Day 3 - Full body weight training followed by interval training cardio
Day 4- interval training cardio or a sport like squash/swimming
Day 5 - Full body weight training followed by interval training cardio
Day 6- interval training cardio or a sport like squash/swimming
Day 7 - Rest

Never workout twice in on the same day. your body nd muscles need a 24 hr rest atleast. Working out more will not help you loose more weight. Working out right will.
If you dont have a lot of time when you visit the gym for a full body workout. Then do chest and back on one day, and hands and legs on the next. Always follow with cardio.

And again- I shout at the top of my voice. Stop running at the same speed on a cardio machine. It is not gonna help you. STart interval training . Read my earlier post on No more boring cardio for more details on this.

Question are welcome as always.



Anonymous said...

Several years ago I managed to lose 40 pounds of weight. I went from 24.5 % body fat down to 8.8%. I ran, biked, rowed, or swam hours each day - big mistake. The trouble was I lost 10 pounds of lean muscle. I was ultra-lean, but I looked sickly. More recently I lost 28 pounds. I dieted, lifted weights, and walked my dog. I lost fat and not muscle - a much better way to go for me

Anonymous said...


nice blog...good to hear the progress...

i have started to get back on the fitness bandwagon after a hiatus of 8 years !!!

was browsing for nutritional content with regards to indian food ofcourse ... do you happen to know any resources ?
