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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Frequently asked questions..

Okay..here are the answers to some FAQs from reader-

1) What is Basal Metabloic Rate(BMR)?
BMR is the energy consumerd by an individual to carry out body functions when at rest.
There are machines to analyse your BMR.

2) What is negative calorie balance?
Consume less calories then you spend in a day and you will create a negative calorie balance.
If you consume more calories then you spend the excess calories are stored as body fat and are burnt only when you consume less calories than your body requires.

Aprrox, 75 caloreis get stored as 10 gms of fat. So over a period if you consumer 7500 less calories you burn 1 kg fat.

3) How much calorie should I consume?
Calorie requirements for diff age groups-
Men (sedentary) 2425
Women (sedentary) 1875
Boys (16-18 yers) 2640
Girls (16-18 yers) 2060

To loose weight the correct method is to consume less calories then you require to create negative calorie balance.

4) How do I create negative calorie balance?
Count your calories. Keep a diet diary. And exercise to burn calories so that you don't have to eat too less.

5) What is safe weight loss?
If you go on a crash diet and heavy exercise you may reduce lot of weight but your body will eat up muscles along with fat. You will notice sagging of skin and muscles and other medical complications may come up.
Ideally, you should reduce 3-4 kgs a month. 4 being max. 3.5 is ideal.
Although, if you are very overweight (20-30 kgs overweight) you may loose a lot (5-7 kgs) in the first month. This is Okay for the first month.

Also, if you reduce at a rate of 3.5 kgs a month the chances of gaining back that weight are less as compared to when you loose at 5-7 kgs a month. Loose slowly to ensure no gain back.

I hope this helps.

Remember the more overweight you are the easier it is for you to loose weight by light exercise and diet control. As you approach your ideal weight the going gets tough. But no worries. Excess fat is something no needed and has to go back.

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