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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Food Myths!

1) Honey is good for weight loss.
NOOO! It has around 80% sugar and rest water. Provides 4 calories per gram.

2) Juices are good for weight loss.
One glass juice is made from approx 4-5 fruits minus the fibre. Most juices available in market have added sugar. It's always and anytime better to have 1-2 whole fruits instead of the juice.

3) Refined oils are fat free.
Haha! Refined oils are 99% fat irrespective of the brand. 1 teaspoon gives 50 calories.

4) Healthy food means bland food.
NO. Spices are good for flavor and taste and they provide trace nutrients+anti-oxidants. No point in avoiding spices unless not tolerated by your stomach.

5) One can have as much of low calorie foods as one wants.
No. They have calories which add up and have to burnt. Have a balanced diet.

6) Buttermilk is not good.
NO. It is a good source of proteins and calcium.

7) Toasted bread is better than normal bread.
NO. The calorie count remains the same. Moreover, by toasting the starch gets converted into dextrins which is bad. Fibre content is also reduced.

There are many other myths that exist amongst us. Will try and address those soon.

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